About the Houston Science events calendar

We publicize local science, technology and geeky-arts events because we love this stuff and want to see bigger crowds of smart and curious people.

Click on events in the agenda to the right or calendar at bottom for more extensive descriptions, mostly lifted from the event websites but with additional commentary when possible.

For volunteer-organized gatherings and outings, check out the Houston Science Club on Meetup.

Criteria for Inclusion

Please send your events to houston.science@gmail.com that:
  • Are open to and with reasonable accommodations for the public (e.g., plenty of seating and parking).
  • Have complete details and directions in your e-mail or on a website for which you've sent a link. Clearly note any membership requirements or admission fees.
  • Include grown-ups (we're trying not to duplicate efforts of sites that focus on kids).
  • Occur outside of normal working hours. Exceptions will be rare, unless you're somewhere (such as the Med Center and Rice) within short walking distance of many science-aware people.
If in doubt, send it in! We'll also be working on mechanisms to support comments on pre- and post-event socializing (for example, the Meetup group linked above).

Direct Calendar Access
  • Load directly into your own Google Calendar session, as: houston.science@gmail.com

  • XML feed: http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/houston.science%40gmail.com/public/basic

  • iCal: http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/houston.science%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics

  • Browse calendar as a separate page


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ike follow-up and edits

Calendar entries for the rest of September, post-hurricane, should be taken with a grain of salt. I haven't been able to check all events, but here are some known issues:

* All Houston Zoo educational programs have been canceled or postponed until September 22. The Zoo is open and seems to have fared well, but the extra programs are still too much too handle. Notably, Animal Enrichment Day has been postponed until Saturday, September 27 -- but should still be lots of fun. See http://www.houstonzoo.org/en/cev/180

* There have been no updates about exactly where Roy Zimmerman will be playing in Houston :-(. This singer and writer of "Funny Songs About Ignorance, War and Greed" is particularly welcome here on the front lines of teaching science vs. muddying up biology classes with half-baked spooky alternatives. I'll follow up with any news of his possible appearance when I get it (i.e., if his booking agents respond to e-mail).

* Museum District Day has been postponed until further notice.

For all other events, you should call ahead.

The sharpest of you may have noticed that I've removed the Keck Symposia from the calendar. These are still going on (though I'm not sure about this Friday's), but they are so crowded that additional publicity isn't desirable. You can find their details on the Rice University calendar if you have an urgent need to attend.

For those of you not in Houston, many thanks for your tax dollars and Red Cross contributions that are providing emergency assistance as millions continue to be without power and food and fuel distribution is still screwed up. There's little threat to life except in the worst areas (e.g. Galveston County, especially the Bolivar Peninsula) where there's no safe water or sewage system. But it will take weeks at the very least for life to return to mostly normal. Thanks for your kind thoughts and support!

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